Advanced American Telephones has partnered with Electronic Scrap Recycling, Inc (ESR) to allow you to dispose of your end-of-life products in an environmentally responsible manner in the US.
Ship your product(s) to:
AT&T Telephone Recycle Program
6427 Springer St.
Houston, TX 77087
Products accepted by this recycling program:
- AT&T Cordless Phones
- AT&T Corded Phones
- AT&T Answering System
Product owner, who returns the products via this recycling program, will be responsible for choosing a shipping carrier and all costs associated with shipping to the provided address. The act of shipping will constitute release of all rights, title and interest to the product delivered to ESR and this is not a commercial transaction by shipping the product through the recycling program. Product owner also acknowledges that this is for disposal of the product in an environmental friendly manner and not a request for product replacement.